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1:54 p.m. - 08.11.2004
marshmallow legs
Hey, I drove 130 miles round trip to go to a vet yesterday! Yeah, cause my demon cat that I hate has been constantly sick since I've gotten her, and the lady Jake got her from (she was a birthday present so I can't kill her) said she'd pay for the visit and her medicine if I took her to her vet. So I'm like "Okay, sounds good!" but she wouldn't pay for the visit for my other cat or his medicine, despite the fact that he caught his sickness from the sickie kitty we got from her. Anyway, I had no idea it was that far when she gave me the directions. Zuzu shat all over herself on the way there and Sasuke peed and tried to destroy the carrier he was in. It was sweeeeet.

Now I have one kind of medicine to give them both in droppers twice a day for their upper respiratory infections, eye ointment for both eyes of both cats twice a day, and another medicine for their nasty diarrhea. Oh, and Zuzu has ringworm. I was gonna go home to Illinois this week, but instead I guess I have to stay home and tend to the dying cats that I hate.


I tanned my legs. I don't believe in tanning, but thankfully my ethics are easily swayed. Just kidding, they aren't. But I'm tired of having these marshmallow legs portruding from my shorts. I usually refuse to even wear shorts because I hate my legs so much. I wish I could get leg transplants. I'm so jealous of girls who have long thin non-pale legs with their non-rashiness and their non-spiderveininess and their non-bruisiness and their non-blobs-of-fat-that-hang-over-their-kneesiness. I must destroy them. All of them.


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